
Mario Pariselli signature


MARIO PARISELLI was born in Italy in 1951 and immigrated to Canada with his family in 1953. Fascinated with nature at an early age..water, dragon flies, anything that moved...

Pariselli expressed his curiosity through sketches, sculptures and watercolors. As a young man,

he studied in Toronto under Doris McCarthy, and was profoundly influenced by Tom Thompson, the French impressionist movement, and John Singer Sargent.


While Pariselli comfortably expresses himself through multiple media, including sculpting, his focus

is plain air painting.


"Any advancement in art is a return back to nature," Pariselli says. "God's hand is changing it every day. I see the play of light on something, and I feel an urgency to capture it, to convey the experience of that moment, even though I may have painted the same subject countless times before. This is both humbling and rewarding."


And capture it he does, with a keen eye and sure hand that is setting apart his growing body of work in Canada, Italy, Portugal, Australia or wherever a Pariselli painting is exhibited.

*The Lindsey Post